Monday, May 8, 2017

Trying the Plant-Based Diet: My First Few Days

I'm posting pretty late, about 5 days later after I decided to try the vegan plant-based diet.

Yes, I understand that "being vegan" is a lifestyle- not a diet. That's fantastic, and I am working towards that. Knowing myself, I can't quit things cold turkey or else it's not sustainable. I've changed quite a lot of my habits over the past 2 years, so I think I'm on the right track.

Before I transitioned into this diet, I no longer purchased meat or milk. I craved cheese a lot, and for protein, I would eat 1-2 non-fat Greek yogurts a day. I rarely ate fish, but I'd eat it when I would go out for sushi on some weekends. Therefore, it was pretty easy for me to just say, "Hey, why not try cutting out animal products?"

I set the following rules for my diet:

  1. Eat strictly vegan from Monday through Friday.
  2. If I am out with friends on Saturday and Sunday, I can order whatever I'd like if the vegan options are poor.
  3. Drink loads of water.
  4. Exercise at least 5 times a week.

Day 1: May 4th, 2017

On my first day of trying the vegan plant-based diet after my stomach-bursting binge, I decided to eat raw.

Wow! I'm pleasantly surprised that I actually ate raw. I had loads of carrots, celery, sugar snap peas, raspberries, home-made gazpacho soup, cucumbers, honeydew melon, chia seeds, cashews, brazilian nuts.

I had so much energy! My body felt light, and I did not feel bloated at the end of the day.

I drank about 120 fluid ounces of water.

Day 2: May 5th, 2017

I'm feeling GREAT!

For breakfast, I ate plain almond yogurt (so much tastier than Greek yogurt!), chia seeds, raspberries, and bit of unsweetened coconut flakes for a nice flavor.

For the rest of the day until dinner, I ate loads of vegetables and some hummus before my awesome workout.

So around 5 in the afternoon after school, I made some gazpacho soup in a blender again. Literally, it took me less than 10 minutes total. I'll be posting the recipe in a little bit. It's great for a raw plant-based diet as well!

Here came the ultimate test for me: finding a delicious vegan meal while out with my friends

We went to a Lebanese restaurant that I'd never been to before, and there were so many vegan options! I ended up ordering Maghmour with rice. 
Oh my gosh. It was DELICIOUS! It made me even more excited about changing my diet to a vegan one because of all the tasty meals you can come up with. I'm definitely excited to try new things!

Day 3: May 6th, 2017

Ahh, the weekend. The days I give myself permission to slip up. Well, I sure did slip up!
I got lunch with my mom at Veggie Grill (all vegan!), and I told her about my transition to the vegan diet. We later on went to the movie theater, and when I came out of the bathroom, I saw her holding a bag of popcorn with butter on it. I said, "Mom! You never take my life choices seriously!" but then I realized how thoughtful it was of her to buy us popcorn especially since it's so expensive. I changed my attitude and expressed my gratitude (Woah, was that a rhyme?!) for her thoughtfulness. I just let her have the top layer of popcorn with the butter, and I ate the bottom layer. See? It wasn't the end of the world. 

She explained to me that she thought that vegetarian and vegan diets were the same, so dairy products were okay for her. I was happy to explain to her what I know of the vegan diet.

Afterwards, we got gelato. I got the rose-raspberry sorbet with blood orange sorbet. Heaven on earth! I would usually go with the creamy gelato flavors and skip the sorbet ones, so this was new. 
My mom and I went grocery shopping together, and she bought me loads of groceries for my vegan diet. It made me happy that she is so supportive.

In the evening, I hung out with my friend, and we went to a restaurant. After looking at the menu, I honestly did not like the vegan options, so I went with the grilled albacore tuna with vegan sides, including roasted potatoes and other veggies. And that's totally okay with me since I told myself in the beginning that I can order whatever I like when I'm out with friends.

Day 4: May 7th, 2017

I did very well today! I had an amazing workout. I even started running at the gym instead of only sticking to the elliptical.

I had my favorite plain almond yogurt with berries, chia seeds, and coconut flakes.

I was out with my friend Erin in Solana Beach, and I ordered a macchiato with almond milk- so delicious!
Almond Milk Macchiato at Lofty Coffee
I later had Trader Joe's Organic Vegetarian Chili left over from my camping trip with some added roasted vegetables. It was perfect for the rainy day in May in San Diego!

I had loads of water today. Yes, I did not have enough calories today. Honestly, I did not really have an appetite today, but that's okay. I am not trying to starve myself whatsoever. I didn't feel like forcing myself to eat if I wasn't hungry.

As a study snack, I had a bowl of fresh raspberries and blueberries- delicious!

Sunday, May 7, 2017

The Evolution of My Health Habits

Little Kristina

Over the past two years, I've been slowly changing my diet. My diet over my whole life has changed quite a few times. I enjoy experimenting, and I strongly believe in the phrase "Don't knock until you try it." Having been raised in a Ukrainian household, I often ate meat, potatoes, noodles, etc. When my parents divorced, my mom and I started a diet of salmon sashimi, caprese salad, and protein smoothies. We both lost quite a few pounds. Since the divorce, my mom's and my daily eating habits changed for the better since my dad wasn't around to ask for the sausages and potatoes. My weight was never really a struggle for me- I always had a healthy body since I often played sports and ate healthy at home. I guess the fast metabolism at a young age helped quite a bit as well!

Freshman 15

Well, before I say anything else, I'll just say that the "Freshman 15" is a real thing. So, BEWARE! I honestly can't believe I'm writing this, but during my first 4 months at university, I only went to the gym one time. ONE TIME. Can you believe it? I had gained so much weight that I barely recognize myself in the pictures. My face looks swollen and unhealthy in the photos.


My weight gain wasn't only due lack of exercise; it was a combination of a few things. I had depression (I realized this about 7 months later), ate unhealthy, and did not exercise. If you don't exercise, you're mood becomes worse, and you form unhealthy eating habits. It's a vicious cycle. So, if you would like to know if you may or may not have depression, please follow this link below:

Mental Health America: Depression Screening

Depression is a serious thing, and it can creep up on you in disguise. I'll save the depression talk for another post though.

Happy Hormones

I finally started losing weight, and I reached a healthy weight a few months after going to therapy for my depression.

Fact: Aerobic activity has shown to be an effective treatment for many forms of depression.

For me, exercise has been the best stress reliever and mood booster. It boosts endorphin and serotonin levels and improves body image. I sometimes stop going to the gym for weeks, and I feel awful. I'm doing my best to stay committed, and I'm glad that I've recognized that I have a tendency to get really into something and then forget about it.

Fishies and Veggies

As for my diet, I began dating a vegetarian, which made me interested in doing it too since we would often eat meals together. I started cutting out meat, such as pork and beef. I would only eat chicken. Then, I stopped buying meat and poultry altogether, and I would only eat salmon at home. If my mom prepared a meal with meat in it, I would still eat it or else it would go to waste, which to me is much worse than eating meat.

Eat Your Heart Out: From Your Lips to Your Hips

Well, that vegetarian and I broke up, and I continued eating pretty healthy. Then, I started experiencing a roller coaster of emotions, and I began to engage in emotional eating. I would think, "Wow, I deserve this delicious brie! And, oh yeah, that ice cream, too!" After a while, I could tell I was gaining a bit of weight and not feeling well. I am hypersensitive to weight gain because of the amount of weight I gained my freshman year of college. I am currently a senior (almost done!).

The Turning Point

Monday, May 1st: I ate so much food that I felt like my stomach was going to burst. I don't even know how I made it to the gym the next day; my stomach was still hurting. I ate so many treats, such as a chocolate croissant, latte, hummus, chips, etc. I realized that I did not have self discipline, and I wasn't going to lose any weight. I'm at a healthy weight, but I still have some fat on my thighs. I knew something had to change.

My Current Journey

I talked to my dear friend who leads a vegan life style, and I asked her for advice. She told me what she eats, how she exercises, and how she resists cravings. I decided then and there that from Monday to Friday, I will eat a vegan diet, and on the weekend, I will eat whatever I want when I go out with friends. At home, I will only have food that follows the vegan diet.
It's been a few days, and honestly, I feel so much more energized and fulfilled. I feel light and clear-minded. I eat as many veggies and fruits as I want until I feel full, and I still don't go over the recommended calorie amount; but, I do eat enough calories! I started exercising more, and I even started to run at the gym.
When I went out on the weekend, I did my best to choose vegan-friendly meal options, and I felt good about it. My mom bought us popcorn with butter at the movie theaters, and I didn't feel guilty because I wasn't the one who bought it, and I wasn't going to make my mom feel bad for forgetting that I'm trying to eat vegan (at first I did, then I said thank you for buying the popcorn because it was so thoughtful of her). On Saturday night, I chose albacore tuna and vegan sides since I did not see tofu on the menu. I am really happy with this gradual transition because I am excited about the health improvements that will continue to be revealed to me day after day. I already have a flatter stomach and more energy throughout the day. My cravings for food are tamed, and I am more mindful of my eating.

Let's see how this goes! Wish me luck.