Thursday, February 13, 2014

Part I

Bathe beneath the waterfall of truth, my friend
Swim away from it as if it is the end
Go! Now!
Be gone, you imbicile.
For polluting this crystalline lake
This pure river
Because of you, I cannot recognize my own reflection
The real-me distorted, confused
Who is this?
What have you done to this face?

I cry and plea as you walk away
Towards another body of water of an unknown name
I tear at your arms, hindering you from destruction.

I give up.
Do as you wish.
Destroy this earth with your insensitivity
Your selfishness
My body aches from the layers of grime and clay
I can’t move, it hurts.
What have you done? Can I live? Can I forgive?
One thing I know for sure:

I will be reborn.

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