Sunday, April 7, 2013

We only have what we give.

It's an accomplishing feeling when I get told that I've helped someone with a problem they have, or just a listening ear for them, a shoulder to lean on. I've always been the listener in life. Maybe sometimes I'd be the talker because I doubt that I would be able to hold in all the feelings and thoughts that I have. Well, my main mission in life is to help others, and I'm pursuing a career as a doctor in the medical field, which requires helping people from the heart. I guess helping and listening to others runs in my blood~ I could never imagine not helping someone who genuinely needed aid.

“No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another.” 
― Charles Dickens

I've never been too busy to listen to someone's pain, joy, or anger. I don't know how many people there are out there that actually listen to others, but I continuously hear about how someone didn't think someone else would actually listen. Why do we live in a world in which we are afraid to share our feelings? We need to care about others; we are useless if we only think of ourselves.

So, I challenge you to either confide in someone else, or listen to someone's story. It's kind of a win-win situation. :)

Thursday, April 4, 2013

It's kind of a funny story.

Para vocĂȘ~

It's kind of funny how thoughts are all jumbled in your head. It's like a bedroom drawer- there's stuff in there you didn't even know existed, and when you look at it, all these memories flood back as if it happened yesterday. Then something happens, and it all shuffles around and stands in order. It all makes sense now. Or does it?

It's kind of funny how someone can enter your life unexpectedly and change you. Not a bad kind of change. A good one. From the moment you got to know that person, did you think that they could impact your life greatly? Did you think this relationship/friendship/whatever-you-call-it could influence what you want to do in life, or what hobbies you want to try? Did you know it would expose you to a completely different world that you didn't know much about?

I didn't.

It all kind of hit me at once today. It hit me, but still, everything is still the same. Nothing's changed. Interesting, and kind of funny.

I'm actually grateful this happened today. It made me cherish the friendship more and realize how happy I am to have them in my life. 

It doesn't necessarily have to be a "lover" or whatever. I never said mine was. The person I'm talking about is, in a way, all in one. A good friend, a shoulder to lean on, someone to talk to, maybe in the future something even greater might happen. Whatever it will or will not be, I'll always be grateful for this person. Your's might be a good friend, a neighbor, a pet, a teacher. Anyone.

It's kind of funny how someone random can impact your life that much, isn't it?

Muito obrigada por tudo, e eu te amo, meu fofinho ! <3